No bathroom facilities, please plan accordingly.

The Great Bird Adventure is an expertly guided educational tour that gently leads you through five magnificent exhibits, showcasing rare and endangered birds from every continent of the world. You will learn how different ecosystems work together to create our world.
We start with the “Birds Of Prey“ where you will meet different types of birds of prey including Hawks and owls. You will be able to photograph these magnificent raptors and learn about the crucial niche they fill in the environment.
From here we move down to “The Savannas” ‘where you will be amazed by Zuri our African Crowned Crane and might even get to see her perform “the crane dance”. While at the Savannas exhibit you will also meet Cobalt and Blue, our Blue Crowned pigeons from Indonesia, and perhaps hear their haunting calls back and forth to one another. Some of the other birds that call the Savannas home are the Russian Barnacle geese, the Chinese golden pheasant, the lady Amherst pheasant, the spot-breasted orioles, the Australian crested doves, and the American Bobwhite quail. The Savannas exhibit also features an original hand-painted mural featuring a savanna by world-renowned muralist Ian Wilkinson.

From here we move to the “Waterfowl From Around The World” In this exhibit you will see rare ducks from around the world including the magnificent Mandarin Duck from China, the tinyHottentot teal from Africa, the Ringed teal from south American, the North American Wood duck, the Fulvous whistling duck, and our only resident from Antarctica the yellow-billed pintail, that has been known to eat seal carcasses. Here you will learn about survival technics used by waterfowl in the wild. As always, photographs are encouraged.
The next exhibit is the over-the-top extravagant ”Jungle Exhibit“ which features an absolutely gorgeous lush planting of flowering trees and shrubs, along with orchids, bromeliads, and flowering vines, and waterfalls. There are over 20 different species of tropical birds in this exhibit that would be found in jungles all over the world. Some of the species found are the blue-gray tanagers from South America, The weaver birds from Africa, which you might catch weaving their extravagant nest, the Lady Gouldian finch from Australia, and the red-crested turaco just to name a few.

Our last exhibit is “Heritage Livestock” and this is where you will learn the history of some of the animals we rely on for food today and the history of these all-important breeds, and why we must not let them become extinct. You will learn the difference between a species, and a breed, and you will meet the first breed ever created in the new world; the Narragansett turkey that originated back in the early 1700s. You will also get to meet the Roman goose that dates back thousands of years and was said to be a gift to the people of Rome by the Goodess Juno herself.
From here we stroll through the wildflower meadow and sit on the Dock of Love and Knowledge and talk about what we learned from this class.
I can promise you this experience will not be forgotten by you, your friends, or family.
Please keep in mind, many of the birds that live at C.A.R.E have special needs, and funds raised through your participation in these classes help to support these wonderful birds.
This class lasts about an hour.
The regular price to take The Great Bird Adventure is 25.00 per person
Children under 12 are 12.50 each.
Please contact us about discount pricing for larger groups!