Red Rumped Parrot 

A beautiful member of the parrot family from Australia. They are generally social to other species of birds but will sometimes fight to the death with other red rumps. Unlike other parrots, the red rump has a truly beautiful song.

Golden Pheasant

This magnificent bird is from China, and can withstand very cold temperatures. If you google the top ten most beautiful birds in the world, it always makes the list.

Spot Breasted Oriole

This magnificent song bird is from South America and eats mainly fruits and small invertebrates, but it will occasionally eat small birds and eggs. Both the male and female sing.

Crested Dove

All the way from Australia! This Australian dove, also known as the Crested pigeon, or top knot pigeon, is known for the very distinctive sound their wings make when they fly.

Red Crested Turaco

These prehistoric-looking birds come from the African continent, are the national bird of Angolia. They are mainly Frugivous, but will occasionally eat snails, and other small invertebrates. They have a very loud call that sounds like an angry monkey

African Starlings

These extravagantly colored jewel-like birds from Sub Saharan Africa have developed specialized feathers that have an iridescent quality to them.

Roman Goose

This beautiful small goose has quite the history. Known to have originated in Italy thousands of years ago, and was said to be sacred to Juno ( the goddess of marriage). This goose is credited for saving the Roman empire in 365 BCE, by awaking Marcus Manlius as the Gauls […]

Blue Crown Pigeon

This is the largest pigeon in the world, and often reaches the size of a small turkey. Their population in their homeland is declining due to overhunting, and deforestation